The Most Common Pregnancy Testing Mistakes (And How to Get It Right)

The Most Common Pregnancy Testing Mistakes (And How to Get It Right)

Taking a pregnancy test seems straightforward… pee on a stick, wait, and boom, an answer. But in reality, a lot can go wrong which leads to inaccurate results, unnecessary stress, and confusion. If you're trying to conceive (TTC), avoiding these common mistakes can help you get the most reliable results and better understand your fertility journey.

1. Testing Too Early

We get it, the wait is agonizing. But testing too soon can lead to false negatives because your body may not have produced enough hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone) for detection yet. Most home pregnancy tests are designed to detect hCG at levels of 25mIU/mL, which typically happens around the time of a missed period.

Our ultra-sensitive pregnancy tests detect hCG levels as low as 10mIU/mL, meaning you can test up to six days before your missed period with greater accuracy. If you test early and get a negative, wait a couple of days and test again for confirmation. We’re here to help you detect pregnancy ASAP (#AsSoonAsPissible).

2. Using Diluted Pee

Drinking a ton of water before testing might seem like a good idea, but it can actually dilute your urine and lower the concentration of hCG, leading to inaccurate results.

Use first-morning urine when hCG levels are most concentrated. If that’s not possible, try to holding it for a few hours before testing to increase accuracy.

3. Not Tracking Ovulation         

Many people assume they can get pregnant any day of the month, but the reality is that you only have a short fertile window each cycle. If you’re testing for pregnancy without tracking ovulation, you could be misjudging when to test.

Our ovulation tests are over 99.2% accurate in detecting the LH (luteinizing hormone) surge that triggers ovulation and we include free cycle trackers in ever box. No more missing your window.

4. Ignoring Male Fertility

Conception isn’t just about the ovaries, sperm quality plays a massive role! In fact, up to 50% of infertility cases are due to sperm issues. Many couples spend months focusing solely on tracking ovulation and pregnancy testing without checking sperm health, missing a crucial piece of the fertility puzzle.

The solution? Test your sperm at home. Our Male Fertility Test Kit will tell you within minutes if you have lower than normal sperm concentration. Since sperm health can fluctuate, testing early in the TTC journey can help you make informed decisions and seek medical guidance sooner if needed.

5. Misreading the Test Window

Waiting too long to read the results can lead to evaporation lines, which might be mistaken for a faint positive. Similarly, checking too soon before the test has fully developed can lead to unnecessary confusion. Always follow the instructions and read results within the recommended time frame.

6. Relying on One Test Only

A single negative doesn’t always mean you’re not pregnant, especially if you’ve tested early. hCG levels double every 48 hours, so testing again a couple of days later can provide a more definitive answer. Our motto is Less Stress, More Tests, that's why we include multiple pregnancy tests in every one of our boxes.

The Bottom Line

If you’re on the TTC journey, we know you have A LOT on your mind, so having the right information to help you prepare and test accurately is crucial.

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